Privacy Policy


We respect your privacy.

We are committed to taking all possible precautions to protect your contact information, and all other information submitted through this website, over the phone, text, or in person.

Your contact information will not be shared with anyone without your knowledge and permission. Your contact information will be used solely for the purpose of communicating with you at your request.

Our telephone number will show up on your phone as “No Caller ID”. We will not leave a message on your telephone unless you have given us permission to do so.

You do not have to use your real name when you call us unless you request a Lawyer Referral.

We provide an anonymous, confidential service.

All information you share with RISE will be kept strictly confidential, except in a few circumstances.

  • Lawyer Referral: We must share your information with the lawyer you are referred to for the conflict of interest check. Lawyers have an ethical and professional duty to maintain confidentiality.

Your information may be shared without your permission in the case of:

  • Risk of Death: If we believe, with reasonable grounds, that you or someone else is at immediate risk of death, we must disclose the situation to the appropriate authorities to ensure everyone’s safety.

  • Risk of Suicide: If you say you are at risk of dying by suicide, we must call 911. We will assess if you have a suicide plan or if you are expressing feelings only. We will not call 911 if you are expressing feelings only.

  • Child at Risk: By law, we must report to authorities if you tell us a child may need protection or if you share information that shows a child is at risk.

  • Neglected Adult at Risk: We have a legal duty to report to authorities if you give us information that shows a neglected adult may need protection.

In these cases, we will only disclose the information required to ensure everyone’s safety and we will involve you in the process, if possible.

If you have any questions, concerns or complaints regarding this policy, please contact us.